First off, I want to say how much I enjoy reading the posts on this forum - it is really nice to be able to talk/read about issues my kid is having or will possibly have in the future. Although my DD4 is not as high as many of the children discussed here (she's barely in the HG range according to the new WPPSI-III), it has been very tough finding other parents of advanced kids with whom to converse without sounding like some sort of braggart!

ANYWAY, my post really has to do with those of you who homeschool or happen to have taught your child on a more formal basis - I have checked out the local elementary school (we live in supposedly the best district in the area) and was not impressed with the relatively low level of instruction in kindergarten. However, as a middle/high school teacher, I am working on my endorsement to teach in a gifted classroom, and I have the opportunity to take a position teaching gifted pull out in an elementary school in our urban district (average test scores with a so-so reputation) for next year. This would also provide me with the opportunity to take my DD with me for K. I'm sure I can get her qualified for gifted services (district cutoff FSIQ is only 128), but I'm not sure she will do well with me as her teacher for a large part of the day. Sometimes I feel like we already have a parent-teenager relationship (she is very intense!), and I'm a bit apprehsive about how it might go. We also have the opportunity to send her to a highly reknowned Montessori school, but it's very expensive and it will be somewhat of a struggle to pay for it.

So, any advice about what it's been like being your own kid's teacher? We're really torn between local district (with good reputation), expensive Montessori, and bringing DD with me to a less than stellar school but mostly being with me as her teacher.