I dunno. That's quite high.

And if she had any ceiling issues with the WPPSI--not to mention perfectionism issues that might be masking her abilities, too--then perhaps she's even higher than her scores show. Processing speed can make a difference in how a child fits in school, but it isn't really all that relevant to intelligence proper. And if the problem is perfectionism more than actual inability to work fast, well, that's a different issue. That doesn't affect school work nearly so much as just plain slowness.

Do they give a GAI on the WPPSI (as they do on the WISC)? I'd be looking at that if they do. I'm betting it's off the charts!

Her scores certainly seem quite high enough for you to be considering a grade skip. So for the "Is she really THAT smart" issue, I'm voting that you have GT denial, not valid concern. I think a grade skip might be just the thing for her.
