Hi. I feel compelled to respond both as a mom of a GT kid and as an OT. I do have a couple of questions though.

Who did the evaluation over the summer? Is he followed by a psychiatrist? Anyone that has experience working with a gifted child? That is quite a list of diagnoses for an 8 year old to be labelled with. Have you ever read "Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults"? You might want to pick up a copy. Some of what you posted makes me question whether he truly does have any of those diagnoses. Please be cautious in what you share with the school about diagnosis - until you know for sure or feel quite confident about the label.

I can pretty much predict that his issue isn't with "pencil grip." This really bothers me, as so many doctors and teachers and other professionals think that the issues with handwriting and/or producing written work can be "fixed" by correcting a pencil grip! The pencil grip is typically the least of the concerns. I'm hoping that the school OT has some knowledge of sensory integration and will look WAY beyond pencil grip and look for underlying causes of his issues.

It also sounds like you need to find the reason for his anxiety - he seems more anxious than anything else. My little guy tends toward anxiety. Just his temperament.

I think that if the only people who have assessed him are at the school, then you need to look into private testing. My experience from both ends of the spectrum (special needs at either end) is that you are better off seeking a specialist OUTSIDE the school. The school will need to do what is called a Case Study Evaluation to determine if he is even eligible for an IEP and special education services. But I'd be surprised if your school staff has experience with gifted testing. They are more likely to be LOOKING for pathology and more likely to misinterpret behaviors using what knowledge they have. I say go for some comprehensive private testing if you can.