I don't know about insights or wit, but I'm back. smile Thanks all. What would I do without this forum?

We buried my poor cat in the snow today. A bit of (dark?) humor: he has always slept stretched out as long as he can be, and that's how he died. Now, he was a LONG cat, and his tail was so long that we used to say he had "a tail of two kitties," har har. wink Naturally, since he died as he lived, my DH had to dig a very long hole to fit him into. That made me smile. He was never a small cat in any way. He had a big, deep purr and a big personality and a big, long body. He needed a big grave, too. Bless him! laugh

DH is spending the weekend writing proposals for jobs, so hopefully there's something on the horizon. Fingers crossed.

My jaw hurts a lot less than I thought it would, so that's good news. Now if only I could eat something that wasn't liquified. frown sick mad

So, anyone have any good recipes for steak in a blender? <smirk>
