Oh Kriston! Big hugs sent your way!

I'm very sorry to hear about your week. My best friend from high school just lost her 16 year old cat last week as well. She is a graphic designer and was out of town at a show site when it became apparent that the kitty was going downhill fast. She was so distressed that she could not be there to say goodbye to her beloved cat. She even had her husband hold up the phone to her cat, so that Lucky could hear the sound of her voice. So very sad! Just try to focus on what a full and happy life he had. I lost my two ancient cats a few years back, and so I understand the hole in your heart that comes from his absence.

I'm sorry to hear about all of the added troubles that just seem to cluster or magnify with each additional blow. One trouble is enough, when they are on that scale. When multiple troubles begin to happen all at once, I usually take the humorous aspect and wonder what did I do to seriously "P" off someone higher up in the theological food chain. And since 1) I am not a particularly religious person (or I should say that I don't follow a particular organized religion), and 2) I approach life with a bit of a sarcastic streak, I tend to stand in the middle of a room with my hands on my hips and ask some form of Divinity or Fate if there is anything else she would like to throw my way? It may not improve the situation, but at least it makes me feel better!

I sincerely hope that things are on the upswing. May you recover from surgery faster than expected. May your repaired car find new life and continue working with no additional improvements needed. And may your DH find a job, or a position within the company, that he finds rewarding and well-paying!
Sending you extra thoughts of good-will and luck your way!

Mom to DS12 and DD3