Originally Posted by Austin
My DW stayed home for 6 weeks, but I did the 10 pm to 5 am shift with Mr W, slept for 3 hours, went to work from 10 am to 6 pm, came home for three hours so DW could sleep, then hit the gym, then came back home. DW got her 8 hours of sleep and I got to spend a lot of time with Mr W. I could get in some extra work when Mr W slept if I wanted. He'd sleep on a pillow on the couch while I worked or read.

I'm thrilled to read this Austin, but wonder if most humans can copy you. Maybe my work ethic isn't as developed as it should be, but, that seems like a pretty tough schedule. How much sleep did you usually get? Was this about that same as before you became a parent? How long did you keep to this schedule? Was finding a job with a 'real' 8 hour day a problem?

Anyway, you obviously had the ability to look at parenting and find it an interesting challenge, which is to your credit. I think that's somewhat rare amoung males and females. Well Done!


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