Oooh, book thread! grin

DD13 was assigned "Catfish and Mandala" by Andrew Pham for English/Social Studies - it's the story of Vietnamese-American guy who returns to Vietnam and travels the country by bicycle. She wasn't too thrilled with it at first but eventually got into the story and really enjoyed it.

If he liked "Losing Our Minds", he might also enjoy "Raisin' Brains" - it's a lighthearted look at giftedness.

Or how about "Freakonomics"? (Though you might want to pre-read for some of the content there.) I just finished "The Logic of Life", in that same vein and thought it was very good. Also, "Uncle Tungsten" by Oliver Sacks was one of my faves from this past year. If he's into science at all he should enjoy it.

Well I could go on and on here, but hopefully some of those are of interest!