Wow! Thanks everyone! smile We did pick up some books about the American Revolution (as we are direct descendents of those involved) and he showed some interest. He also started to read "The Audacity of Hope" (Obama) as politics is of some interest to him. Honestly, this has been surprisingly difficult as this young man usually devours books VERY quickly -and he really does enjoy watching documentaries (my husband remembered enjoying "Roots" when it came out in the late 70s so that's why he thought our son might enjoy reading the book - which he seems to be.)

I will have him look over the suggestions that have been made so far and see if anything strikes a chord with him. As for sports - he's not much of a fan. He's quite tall, and so has always been a bit of a "Marmaduke." Though built like a jock, his nervous system hadn't caught up with his musculo-skeltal system so he was a bit clutzy until recently. So, through the years, he has focused more on his other talents - intellectual, artistic, and musical. I will inquire as to magazines.

Anyway, more suggestions are welcome, and thanks for those that have already been made!! You folks are the best!!

Mom of The Future