Our sweet DS13 is required to read 1000 pages of non-fiction/semester in his Honors Social Studies class. Though he typically devours books, he is finding this particular assignment difficult. This seems a bit surprising as his favorite channels on TV are The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, PBS generally, and even the Travel Channel. He also spends time frequenting philosophy blogs (where college students spend a lot of time.)

Does anyone have any particular suggestions of non-fiction reading that he might find interesting? Though he's fully capable of reading pretty much anything that we could find for him at the library, he's having a difficult time finding books that he is interested enough in to complete. He was reading Fast Food Nation, but didn't finish it and a couple of others that I can't recall at the moment. My husband now has him reading Roots, which he does seem to be enjoying, but I'm concerned that though we found it in the non-fiction section of the library it will be disqualified because it is written as a novel..?

Obviously, I am not well read when it comes to non-fiction myself - except for those fun/informative relationship/temperment books! smile Not sure that that's what he needs either. Oh! I do recall that he skimmed "Losing our Minds" by Deborah Ruf a couple of years ago and seemed to find that fascinating. He has said that he is not allowed to use books for his assignment that he has previously read though.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for your suggestions!

Mom of The Future