Hi there,

I am really user az1 but I am out of town and some how the forums are not letting me sign in so I created a new (temporary) user id.

If some of you remember I had a 2nd grade sone who was differentiated in all subject areas and we were strongly pushing for an acceleration. We are due to receive the school's gifted testing results in a few weeks. I believe he took the CogAT, ITBS, and something else. In the mean time I had him take the SCAT. He took that December 13th and we have been out of town for a week and will be gone another week so I am certain that his results are sitting at my neighbor's house along with all of my other mail. CTY would not give me his numbers but said that he "did very well" and "qualifies for all classes, both on-line and summer offered through CTY. So that means as a 2nd grader he scored at least a 435 verbal and 440 quantitative. So, I do not have the actual report, I just know that he qualifies for all of their programs.

My question is, how can I use this with his school? If a 2nd grader has a min. 440 quantitative score and he is already differentiated in the highest math group in school, what can do with his SCAT scores? Can I use them as part of the Iowa Acceleration Scale?

Another question that I am a bit foggy on - is the SCAT above grade level? What do these scores tell me.

On a side note - when I took DS to do the SCAT he was not thrilled. I explained that it would help us (parents) and his school find out what he knew and if he was receiving the correct instruction. Later on the way home he asked me if kids score high would that mean that the were in the wrong grade. I asked him it could and what did he think about the opportunity to move up a grade if the test results showed that it would be best for him. He thought it would be "cool" and "really helpful" if that were the case.

So...if you've made it this far into my post, bless you. What do the score (even the general info that I have received) mean?

Thank you,
