Do the EI people have any power over you or your son? If the diagnosis has been lifted, is there anything they can do to affect your son's future path?

If not, I'd say it's a grit your teeth moment. Feel free to gripe about it here, but don't let it eat you up.

I'd bet that this is probably the first of many such attempts to diagnose your child. Many of us here had someone sometime try to tell us that our kids were on the spectrum, though granted, your experience came earlier and in a lot more clinical fashion than most I've heard!

In future, random strangers may tell you that your child is on the spectrum because of a strong interest in whatever floats that child's boat. Nevermind the fact that GT kids regularly show such interests, too.

It's frustrating, but the best thing to do is learn all you can and vent to people who get it. It sounds to me like you're doing just great! wink
