Do the EI people have any power over you or your son? If the diagnosis has been lifted, is there anything they can do to affect your son's future path?
Well they were instructed by us and the 2 phsychologists not to notify the school system about the re-evaluation in hope that he would get preschool for free. Yes, I know....I don't want to be a hypocrite but if you knew the BS I went through, therapy, prozac the scare tactics etc. it was the least I could get as payback. They agreed, EI said they would not but this stupid EI therapist told on us. The economy has been tough on our family and it would've been nice to get a break from preschool tuition...it's 3,500 for the year. Now this stupid EI bimbo is telling me to report the original Dr. to an ethics committee. His ABA therapist suggested I sue for malpractice...no formal report etc. The reason I am assuming we were not given a report was because she did not take our questionnaire into consideration. I think she realized her gaffe....plus she admitted to us that she has put kids on the spectum that are not ASD...wtf?

In future, random strangers may tell you that your child is on the spectrum because of a strong interest in whatever floats that child's boat. Nevermind the fact that GT kids regularly show such interests, too.
Yes, his EI therapist was 'concerned' because he loved trains so much. I had to point out that he played with other toys and how he didn't have problems trasitioning onto something else. The kid is so driven by 'new things, I want something new mommy, something new!'.

It's frustrating, but the best thing to do is learn all you can and vent to people who get it. It sounds to me like you're doing just great! wink

Thank you!