Hi...I am new here and was wondering if anyone has had the same experience with their child.

My son started Early Intervention at 20 months for a minor speech delay (expressive). He had a huge vocabulary and could label MANY things but would only use the words 'juice and milk' and point for everyhting else. When this EI lady came in, she started with ....'he's too young to recognzie letters and numbers, that's a red flag...he toe walks...red flag'etc. My husband and I NEVER thought our kid was anywhere near the spectrum but we agreed on an evaluation.

At his first evaluation (25 months), he had was seated in a wooden chair with a bar across his lap. The 'psychologist' sat there with a timer and timed him putting a monochromed puzzle together, etc. He did well but at one point he refused to cooperate. He was given the diagnosis of PDD NOS for only the following reasons:
*did not look at his parents enough to share his joy (he was not having fun but at one point did look back at us when she set off a baloon)
*she said he liked to line things up based on her observation...he was looking at a beaded venetian blind cord for 10 seconds....YES REALLY! My kid never lines things up.

The whole thing was pretty weird....and consequently we never got the report from her after several calls.

We just had our son re-evaluated with 2 pshychologists in the room (30 months). His diagnosis was lifted and we were told he may be gifted. The exact words that were used to describe him:
*very bright, possibly gifted
*high energy, high maintenance

So now my 2 and a half year old (that is speaking in 6-7 word sentences) is possibly gifted.....yeah we knew he was smart....

Has this ever happened to you? I feel like screaming at these aholes (EI and the 1st doctor). What did you do or what would you do in this situation?