Originally Posted by shellymos
he has his moments where the drama comes out and says things like "this is terrible" or "I'm never ever going to win this game in my entire life."

This SO sounds like my dd7. She has always had a flair for the dramatic, but she is also very hard on herself. She is in the midst of testing for Visual Perceptual deficits. I think that at around age 4 she knew she was "different" than other kids and really couldn't articulate it other than through her dramatics.

I just continue to tell her how wonderful she is and that I am so blessed that she is mine. Sometimes if I can get her to talk about what is "off kilter" with her, I can relate a story from my own life where I messed up or shared the kind of feelings she is having. It seems to help. Sometimes she just wants to sit with me and do nothing or we have to find a new distraction. (we keep lots of random supplies in the garage so she can just create on her own.)

For whatever reason he said it, it seems like he's insecure with something, so it may be he needs a little extra TLC at home. Maybe he is headed for another huge leap in skills?

Sorry this post is a little random!