On the way home yesterday my DS4 and I were talking about preschool. Then my fairly happy little guy says "I'm tired of being me" I asked him what he meant by that and he just repeated it. When I asked again he said "I already said what I meant, I just don't want to talk about it anymore" He later said he didn't want to be himself, but also didn't want to be anyone else. I think he is starting to feel different but doesn't get it. We have had talks before about how people are different, and learn different, and how brains work differently, etc. He generally has a very healthy self-esteem and seems to feel good about life in general. It just breaks my heart to hear. I am a social worker, so I have heard this from other children before who are going through difficult things...but to hear it from my own child that really doesn't at all seem depressed is not something I am used to. Any thoughts or suggestions on this?