Hi Chris,

We have the opposite problem, DD6 has taken it upon herself to "enlighten" the other first graders about "the secret"!

Thank goodness for caller ID, I've been screening my calls!

I did struggle over this too. Especially because DD6 started asking last year and I remember how disillusioned I was when I got the facts about Santa as a child.

I know lots of gifted kids figure it out early, but I certainly don't think it's an acid test for GT status. smile

When my kids asked, I just asked them lots of questions, like, what do you think? Then I let them talk it out. If it seemed like the really wanted to believe, then I just told them I agreed with them.

When DD6 basically broke it down for me as if she was setting ME straight on the deal, I had to giggle a little bit.

I did tie my explanation to our family's spiritual beliefs and the ability to believe in things we can't prove.

I told her all parents give their children this little gift of belief each year when they are children. That way, when they grow up they can have an easier idea of believing in things that might not seem possible.

I little cheesy, I know, but it seemed to satisfy her.

I also suspect some older kids put on a good show when they know because they feel if the parents find out what they really think, they won't get as many gifts under the tree. smile