This is going to probably seem completely weird since I have read that most gt kids start asking questions about Santa Claus really early (3, 4, 5) - those that celebrate modern christmas anyway.
DS8 is still a believer, so I am beginning to worry about next year for a couple of reasons. I think 4th grade is probably when almost everyone will no longer believe in Santa, but he might yet. Also, he is a really really honest kid and I don't want to turn up a big fat liar.

It's not like he hasn't asked about it, but I guess I've been a bit too firm and convincing in my explaining about the story of the real man we now call St. Nicolas and how the traditional ideas of Santa Claus have grown from that.

Anyone else wondering about what to do on this?
What do you say when kids finally really figure it out? Any severely disappointed kids? That is what I am trying to avoid.