Hi Guys !!!
We are also back from our summer trips. School start August 20.
We did lots of camping this summer, which kids absolutely love. We also had two teenage cousins spending the summer with us - so it was an absolute immersion into the second language (or first ?) for my kids.
Ghost will be starting 7th grade. There are going to be quite a few new teachers at his school - English, Science, Art, PE. He is also starting proper history class with a teacher (male) of whom I have heard totally opposing things. Some kids absolutely love him and some hate. My understanding is that his classes are mini seminars on the subject, kids have to take notes and study from them. There is a book, but he wants them to study from notes rather than the book. Will keep you posted on Ghost's impressions.
I am toying with the idea of requesting that Ghost does some independent study in Science, but will have to get to know the teacher first. I have heard that she is a brand new grad from a masters program. Will see :-). At least when it comes to Math he won't have to juggle his schedule as he is finally oficially in middle school and taking Algebra II.
The other week I picked up a few books at Costco, some of them from What Your ....Grader Needs To Know series. I bought them because I realized that my kids have never been introduced to a number of things (quite a number of things) from History/ Geography/ Art ,that this books contain as part of the Core Knowledge. I like to call it Classical Education rather than Core Knowledge. Anyone familiar with the series?