Hi Willa Gayle,
Welcome back!
I hope Mite enjoyed his trip.
DS11 is looking forward to school starting for the first time ever, but with some mixed feelings.

20 WMP is a big accomplishment for Mite, but i wouldn't worry about his abiility to organize his thoughts while he types until he is up around 35 WMP. Between you and I, WPM speed and his soul are about the only things I would consentrate on right now. The rest of the learning will come once the Keyboard Fariy visits.

DS11's handwriting improved dramatically this year, after a year of almost only keyboarding. "Everyone" says that they need practice to improve. Clearly this is not true for all kids in all situations every time. Sometimes increases in other areas "carry over." Sometimes it's just a matter of growing up a bit more. For DS11, it think that when he does write, say, to copy down a favorite URL, or some instructions for me or his future self, he is really really motivated to have it be readable. ((shrug)) YMMV. We did 4 fifteen minute sessions of Handwriting without Tears in late May. Maybe that helped?

It's a mystery to me.

((big welcoming smile))

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