Thank you for your thoughts. I guess what I'm thinking about is at some point re-entering the public or a private school setting. Here's a scenario:

What if we homeschooled DS9 for 1-3 years starting from where he is right now (7th/8th grade), but do not worry about his accomplishing everything that is in 7th/8th grade public school curriculum. We just want him to have less of a work load and enjoy learning again. He might do something beyond and somethings at 7th/8th grade level and somethings not at all. Ditto this for a couple of years. Once DS9 is more mature, and if we think going into a high school environment is a good choice, then how do we determine what grade he would go into upon re-entry? Is there a "standard" or common way that a public school will determine where he should be grade wise and also credit wise?

I hope it is clearer what I am asking....

