Originally Posted by master of none
Did your child lose skills or have inconsistent skills?

Yes, but they come and go, he'll be able to do his form in Tae Kwon Do perfectly in one class and then in the next, it's like he is a novice. then the next class it's back to know the whole thing. It depends on how focused he is and how confident he is at the start of class. For him it is tied to his self confidence.
Originally Posted by master of none
.....But gradually, she's been having more trouble with attention. She can't follow directions to do things that she was able to do last year! Like in swimming and dance. Steps and drills she did last year are just too hard for her. She just smiles and bounces around.

We find this with our son, he goes through fits and starts..... it seems to coincide with growth spurts, when he is going through a growth spurt, he eats like a hound and can't follow directions at all. Once he is through the spurt, he goes back to normal.

Our son has ADHD, and is gifted. I have looked over the check list and he has aspects of both really. He is clearly gifted. But there has never been a time that I thought he had anything else but ADHD. He's been bouncing off the walls from birth. But as he has gotten older he has gotten much better at focusing. His ablity at this point is inconsistant, but most of the time he can focus after one or two prompts.

Last edited by ienjoysoup; 10/27/08 10:10 AM.