our son is pysically delay slightly. At 5 he was like a 4.5 year old, he wanted to learn Tae Kwondo.

There were 2 classes that started kids out one for 4 to 6 year old and one for kids 6-14.

They gave him a accessement test and at first they put him in the big kids class, because they were impressed with him, he could read the Oath, he could count and follow directions well. He was very smart.

After a short time it because apparent to us he needed to be in the little kids class, he couldn't keep up. We had to go to them and ask that he be moved down. He was happy... they were puzzled, it's a big honor to go to the big kids class, but it wasn't right for him.

He's in the big kids class now and has a blue belt, but picked up bad habits in the little kids class and will very often be very 'goofy' in class: grabbing his foot over and over, rolling around on the mats when he should be sitting up listening.

So my advice............... observe both classes. she where she'll fit before you place her and think about where she is going and who she will grow into.