Miss 4 loves gymnastics. She was glued to the Olympics and just adored the tricks and tumbles. She's been doing a kinder gym-fun class this year which she enjoys, sort of, but spends most of the class staring at the "real gymnastics". On the way home, she tells me she wants to be 5 so she can join the big kids class.

So we've been trying different gym classes this week to see if there's any difference between them. Most offer fun-gym type programs until 5 when things step up a little. Unfortunately, she's a long way from 5 - next May!

I wonder if it's worth advocating for her to get her into a class with older kids. I suspect I'll have less of a fight in term 1 next year because she'll be in grade 1 school through acceleration. But it begs the question from mums/dads who have been on this journey longer than me... are you always advocating for your children? Do you find yourself advocating for your child outside of school?
