Having somebody IRL really helps a lot. I am lucky enough that I have a few local DYS families and met others through them as well.

Thank you so much for the Hoagie's link. I really needed it. Lately I have got lots of unsolicited advice regarding DS6 and I am getting fed up with it. People assume that hs is the last option for us and that they need to help us find other solution.

This one is from yesterday, "Last year we had little Johny in our PreK class and he came knowing everything we did during the year. He knew his letters and such. His Mom is really happy with the ... school district. You can go as far as you can in their high school. Have you consider this for DS6?"

First of all my child is 6 and I couldn't care less what they do in high school. Second of all I am happy that little Johny is fine in K, but unless Johny read chapter books to the class at the age of 3 or knew binary numbers at 4 chances are we are talking about very different kids. Of course, I cannot say none of these things. I tried the "You know we have a family consultant (thank to Davidson) with whom we talk about all such issues ...." I got "Oh yeah, my friend had such a consultant for her 2 kids." Yeah, right. We are so not talking the same language.

I get this from people who really care, but they just don't get it. I shouldn't be surprised though. Let's face it a year ago I had no clue how far away from his peers he was. If it wasn't for the tests I may still doubt even his HG status.

I really need to start using something like "We are homeschooling this year. It's amazing how much flexibility it gives us both curriculum and time wise. You know DS6 can do his academics in the morning and then go to ... school to socialize with other kids. He can take gt classes on Sundays and take a day off during the regular week. We really like this option." followed by "How is your child doing?" That could take care of it, what do you think?
