I used to try to down play it because DS is sort of behind pysically..... but now i just say, yeah he's ahead of the game.

I have 2 friends that come to mind though-

1. Her daughter is the same age as my son.... they were in kindergarten together. Her daughter is way advanced in Art. I am an artist and am totally impressed with her daughter- she sees my son and is totally impressed with his advanced -ness. It's a funny thing.

2. Another person both her kids are gifted, her DS10 is suffering though middle school now. Her DD8 is an out and out terror, throws a fit everyday when it's time to get on the bus. She doesn't think they are gifted. Her DS could, and did, build a computer at age 9. Her DD at age 6 could draw using perpective. Ummmm, sometimes I want to bop both her and her husband on the head and tell them to wake up- many of there kids behavior problems are because they are unfullied educationally.... but I just keep my mouth shut.