Actually, there's a very nice mom at DS4's pre-K who sells Usborne Books and is really interested in the financial issues surrounding homeschooling a GT kid. She initiates the conversation, and she's stopped me more than once to ask about it.

One big reason for her interest: she has a son in special ed who is now attending a special school--paid for by the state--and she can't seem to understand that NO ONE is paying ANYTHING for me to educate my GT child. She doesn't understand "unfunded mandate" within the schools. She doesn't get how there can be no money given to me by the schools to support my child. She doesn't understand how there can be not even so much as a tax break for me to write off the books and supplies that I buy.

She just looks perplexed, and says, "But...But how can that be? There's all this money for MY son, and your son needs special help, too! Why isn't he getting it?"

Needless to say, I LOVE this woman! wink

So there are certainly some parents of kids in need of special ed who are totally okay with the conversation. I know this woman gets it much better than some parents of GT kids, frankly!
