Hi Bas11981!

you said -
There is one student in our grade who gradeskips for math (he is a "summer baby" who is close to a year older than some of the students). I honestly don't think they would consider a grade skip for us, because honestly, I think they would say that the work that they have produced in the classroom so far doesn't warrant it. (We have one who rushes through everything and one who spaces out and daydreams, although they both do well and are well-behaved, they are not your typical "teacher-pleasers".)

I would encourage you to get the Iowa Acceleration Scale Manual, about 20$ from Amazon, and start filling it out on scratch paper for both boys. If you think both would be well served by a gradeskip, then do start rolling the ball, as it won't hurt and might help.

As far as the "not producing" in the classroom, one way around it is to start "Afterschooling" at home in a subject that they both might get excited about. The benifits are that you may have some product to bring to the school to show them "who your boys are." The other benifit is that they get to learn in a more natural way for them. The last benifit is that you get to observe them as learners - it's a way to get to know your own children that you wouldn't otherwise have.

Best Wishes,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com