Willa Gayle -
We have not taken the COGAT or ITBS, yet. Yes, there was some scatter on my visual-spatial one's scores. He has been tested for CAPD and they said he was normal. On his WIAT, his oral score was significantly lower than his written score. The Dr. who administered his test, said that she thinks he is choosing to disengage for a reason (we get complaints from the school that he won't talk to his teachers enough)(I can tell you that when he decides he wants to talk to someone, he can be very articulate and charming). She also thinks that he is years ahead in picking up on social cues from people.

Our district is using the state's definition: Gifted and talented students are children or youth who perform at or show the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who: (1) exhibit high performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area; (2) possess an unusual capacity for leadership; or (3) excel in a specific academic field. [The PACE program's emphasis is on general intellectual ability.]

There were 76 students in the 2nd grade.

Trinity -
There is one student in our grade who gradeskips for math (he is a "summer baby" who is close to a year older than some of the students). I honestly don't think they would consider a grade skip for us, because honestly, I think they would say that the work that they have produced in the classroom so far doesn't warrant it. (We have one who rushes through everything and one who spaces out and daydreams, although they both do well and are well-behaved, they are not your typical "teacher-pleasers".)
They have done piano, Scouts, sports, Destination Imagination, etc. They are going to attend some Summer Institue for the Gifted classes offered by our district.

My main concerns are:
One of them is very unhappy and feels that although he has classmates that he could call friends, there is no one like him who he really clicks with and he does not like school and thinks it is boring.
I do not think that any of their teachers in the past couple of years has "gotten" either of them and I just don't think they they are being given the chance at school to achieve their full potentials.

I really agree with what Willa Gayle pointed out. I think that in our community, "high achievers" are being recognized and the truly gifted are being neglected.

The Dr. who performed their testing thought that we should get involved with the state gifted association and try to hook up with some others families that way.

Thank you both so much for your input. It really means a lot!

Last edited by bas11981; 05/27/07 09:43 AM.