Originally Posted by Jill
Wow! I am so glad you are all out there sharing your wealth of information.

The district only accepts their testing, but for our peace of mind we also had a private WISC done. There was a 40-point percentile span in the composite scores and even wider spans in some subtests, for example, digit span of 50th percentile and arithmetic of 98th percentile. The tester, who is not a 2E specialist, says that he not sure how to interpret results like this, and has recommended a few people for possible follow-ups because he thinks the extreme score range may indicate some difficulties.

Jill, Glad to be of help. Now I feel like some of that time I "wasted" surfing the net has gone to some use!

Regarding discrepancies on the WISC IV, my son had a very similar "problem" with a digit span percentile of 37 and WM/VCI disrepancy of >40 pts. The psychologist said that this could be a form of ADD. But when we later did the SB5, he hit the ceiling of Working Memory (99.9 percentile)--go figure! When I asked DS what happened, he said that the WISC WM tasks were really boring but the SB5 ones were fun. So like your son, he can do well, but only if he is engaged. After your description of his temperment, I would not be too surprised to find that your son also checked out on the working memory tasks because they just didn't engage his brain. Of course, I don't know that, but I think it is worth considering...

Good Luck.