Our experience with the WISC IV helped us tremendously in determining our son's multiexceptionalities. That would probably be the Weschler I think you were refering to, ELH.

Really the best thing, imo, is to use several different practitioners and test to evaluate the child's true potential and needs. By going to a neuropsychologist who specializes in working with gifted children, your child can be evaluated in several domains including intelligence, behavioral/emotional and some medical (ie ADHD and dyspraxia).

Also, by writing to your school district and requesting (actually demanding in a nice way, because legally your child has a right to evaluation) an evaluation for special education services, SHOULD (they sometimes balk) yield a full educational evaluation including an intelligence test. However, you should not actually tell them you want an intelligence test for determining iq because that they can refuse to do. They must perform special education evaluations, though, and if there is any chance your child is 2E (twice exceptional with both high intelligence and learning disability, like my sons) then this is one step in the right direction in finding out what your child's needs may be.

good luck and keep us posted.

Willa Gayle