I feel for you Squirt. We also go through phases of defiant, negative behavior. I've found that it's helpful for me to have a concrete "plan" when disrespectful defiant behavior rears it's ugly head. Otherwise I become emotionally reactive, which just escalates the problem.

Has your DS gone through defiant periods like this before? Take a step back and think about what has worked so that you can come up with a plan and gain control again. Only you and those close to your son can really say what will work for him. For my DS, my plan is based on the book "How to Behave so your Children Will Too" by Sal Severe. Each time we go through these phases I make DH and I review this book. DS needs very clear-cut expectations and consequences written down in a chart form. Pick something that has worked for your DS in the past and stick with it - then tweak it if it doesn't work in a couple of weeks.