Originally Posted by Jake
I'm sorry if I've only been providing glimpses into my circumstances. I tend to get fixed on only one aspect of something and so I ignore the other parts and cause myself a lot of grief.

Its very easy to for me to get distracted and then because I can focus very hard on the distraction and want to study it 100%, I lose context in the lecture or with more pressing tasks. If something is really boring, its easy to let the mind wander.

Here is what I have learned to counter that.

To get the most out of something critical, I have a procedure I follow.

Studying, test-preparation, work projects, etc. I follow the same process. I have these processes written down and look them up to refresh myself and I update them if I find something new. When I deviate from these processes, I run into grief. If I stick to them, I get 100% on tests and knock peoples' socks off.

Because I follow a process and track where I am, I can drop the study session or the work project, indulge my curiosity, then get right back on track. I know where I am and how long it will take and what is left so I can meet my obligations. I am not afraid of pulling all nighters and know I can multi-task as well. The strict planning is my crutch.

Another term I have heard is, "Plan the work and work the plan."

My wife loves the "Seven Habits of Successful People." You could also look that up.