Jake, I would start with the records to review the IEP info. You mentioned you are a sophomore at college? As an adult, you have a right to access that info now. The question is, can you find it.

I had some questions like you do, when I was about your age and I contacted the school for records. Luckily they still did have them. Not sure if length of time held varies from state to state. You might want to contact your school disstrict superintendents office to inquire and go from there.

If you are able to access the records I would advise that you take everything with a grain of salt. I'm sure the people involved were doing the best they could with the info. they had. It's just been my experience that many school personnel are very out of their element when dealing with children in the 99th%. It is, by it's very nature, atypical.
Perhaps you can use the records as a clue towards solving a larger puzzle and go from there.

I fully support your quest for self knowlege at this stage of your life, I think it's very healthy.

There could be a variety of reasons for the difficulties you have described. Yes, a highly intelligent person could have "learning disabilities". You posted that you hesitated posted at an LD site. I do think you have good instincts in that regard. I'm not sure you would have been seen as ungrateful, but maybe it's just that I'm not sure you would find what you seem to be looking for. It's really hard to diagnose/self-diagnose something as specialized as a potential processing disorder online, being as intelligent as you are makes it that much more complex, IMO. smile

Perhaps you can start by creating a bullet point list of the instances that bother you the most; things that just don't seem right.

Take some time and consider where you want to go from there. If you decide to see a doctor, which kind? General Internist, nuerologist, psychologist? Anxiety is common among gifted people, especially the high giftedness your scores reflect. Anxiety can affect processing and performance. That's just one example, there are many many things that can cause the difficulties you mention and it may be a journey to figure it out.

Lastly, if it were me..........I would probably be careful about which doctors I chose to go to. Unfortunately you can't assume that all specialty doctors are automatically HG/HG+ and have a lot of experience dealing with your complaints.

If you could possibly find a doctor that has experience with issues of HG, is very patient grin and likes a challenge or likes to get to the bottom of a "mystery", that might be a good place to start.

I started a journey such as yours about your age.....It was a good time in my life and I wish you much success. I'll be cheering for you. grin