I don't have any answers to this, but I have been wondering this as well lately. I don't think that DS4 is aware of his difference from others just yet. In fact, the other day I was talking about how he can help others and I was talking about how he could read to others in his class if they want him to. He said "why don't they just read?" I told him that not everyone in his class can read probably. He was shocked by this. I never said they couldn't because I don't know....but I would bet that most 4 year olds in his pre-k program can't read on a 4th/5th grade level. Anyhow, that just shows me how he doesn't quite see that yet. But I know that it won't be long before he is asking questions since he asks questions about everything else.

I do know that I have already done talking with my DS about how everyone has different strengths and things they are really good at, and some things they aren't as good at. Some may be good readers, and some may be good bike riders, etc. I am trying to explain things that way early on so that no matter what your skills are it doesn't mean that one is better than the other.