Originally Posted by floridamom
Does anyone have an official checklist for gifted characteristics? Maybe if I had this, I could use this to my benefit with the teacher.

I wouldn't go there. I'd just shrug and give that little tilted smile, and say, "I'm sorry it's extra work for you, but we feel that we need to be prepared."

We Gifties think that if we give another person enough facts, that they will suddently agree with us. That might work with us, but with ND folks, appealing to the emotions is the better route.

I might be confused, but I thought you said that your school was allowing subject acceleration (where your son physically goes to different classrooms during the day?)

I stand by my position that IF the school is already accomidating the child, then the 'paperwork' is worth very little. Sadly, even if the school isn't accomidating then the 'paperwork' is still worth very little - unless it answers your own questions about your child.

If you want to know where you child stands in a subject area, get your school's books in that subject area for various grade levels and see what your kid can do, or learn quickly.

I believe that to develop good work ethic, a child needs to spend lots and lots of time in his or her 'readiness level.'

Best Wishes,

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