Does anyone have an official checklist for gifted characteristics? Maybe if I had this, I could use this to my benefit with the teacher.

He took SAT's last yr. in K-5 & scored in 99th percentile in most areas.

And thanks Elisa for the link to fldoe.

Part of me is leaning towards backing off this test until 3rd grade UNLESS I see that DS6 is not challenged enough. The reason we chose private school was because we were afraid he would not be challenged in public. I know that his 1st grade teacher is currently teaching them what would be considered "2nd gr. work" in public school.

There are only 12 kids in his class & a few are doing poorly, most are average. My son has received 100% on all work & tests plus extra credit. This makes me happy and worried. I worry that it is too easy & he will not experience what it is like to struggle through things & enjoy the accomplishment of finally succeeding after hard work.

It is possible he is not working to his highest potential. That bothers me.