Thanks everyone. DS6 is in a private school, which is good about subject acceleration. His teacher is great, although it has only been a few weeks. The question she asked me the other day, "Why do you want to have him tested?" I was a bit stumped. I mean, I am now asking myself the same question. What actually changes after your child has been tested & is identified as "gifted"? I know & you all know that these children have special needs, but what really changes with their education? What are the special services that he is entitled to? I guess this is where I am not informed.

Also, the teached did mention that it is alot of work for her once we decide to go ahead with testing. She said they give her a huge packet & she must spend alot of time observing him & then filling out these forms regarding his behavior, etc. She said it is alot of work & if I knew he was gifted, why did I need a peice of paper?

So, after all this, my main question to all of you is...

What changes when he is identified as gifted by this test?
What benefits will he get from this peice of paper?
