Back to the original how's it going question...

For us, deciding that it was just fine for DD5 to become a preschool drop out was a terrific decision. (I�m apprehensive about this fall, when she is eligible to start K, but I�ll worry about that later. We have a meeting at the school in about 2 weeks.) We�ve had a lot of fun pursuing her interests. We took Spanish together a couple days a week, went to craft classes at a local store, and read, read, read, read, read. We�ve done more science experiments than I can count, and she completely surprised me with her love of math. Her big brother played many more number games as a toddler, so I didn�t realize that she is just as obsessed with patterns and numbers as he is. Right now, she�s almost finished with a 1st grade math program that I�ve adapted to reduce repetition and increase speed.

I�m more and more drawn to home schooling because this year was such a success. The only problem is my husband�s attitude. The home schooling that he was aware of where he grew up was not done for very sane reasons, so he thinks home schooling is for crazy people. (In his defense, he grew up in an area where home schooling was a way to keep the kids in line so that you could marry the 15 year girls off to 40 year old men as 3rd and 4th wives.)

I have to go get DS7 soon, so I�ll mention his year some other time. It was not such a success, which is part of why the home schooling is sounding more appealing.
