Hi Willa!
We've had a pretty good year, too. So glad that we advocated for first grade. The homeschooling in math is going well. We are really kind of "unschooling" math - our son just keeps on soaking it up!

This summer we are skipping the CTD course, due to cost and transportation/distance to the class. We are having him go to Cub Scout day camp and then the local YMCA day camp. He'll get to meet a lot of new friends and do some not so brainiac stuff that I'm sure he'll enjoy. He really needs to be outside and move - I'm hoping to meet that need this summer!

We don't have any big vacations planned, but I'm wanting to get to a few museums and a zoo. Maybe a long weekend trip to somewhere historic or otherwise interesting. No Disneyworld until these last two of ours are a little older!

Willa: I got your email and didn't have time to reply - I'll send you a note later tonight! I'm so glad to hear all the great stuff for Mite. I've been thinking about him and you a lot lately!
Take care!