Some gifted folk really are deep and slow. I forgot this and ruined dinner last night by praising how cool my son's 8th grade math assignment was (using the numeral 4,exactly 4 times, with unlimited math symbols, to make various answers) and that no one had come up with a way to get to 11. My DH's eyes glazed over, he stopped speaking, and he started to make notes on some scrap paper. We didn't get a word out of him for the rest of dinner, until he handed his solution around, proudly. It was a neat trick, but not, IMHO, something to excuse one from dinner.

Did I mention that I'm an extreame 'extrovert' and DH is an 'introvert?'

I think that an assesment is the way to go, but be careful to go to someone who understands 2E stuff, which is a challenge. A Misdiagnosis is worse than no diagnosis (BTDT) - perhaps post in 'Regions' for local ideas. I also would get his vision checked, by both an opthamologist and by a behavioral optomitrist. If you son isn't typing yet, I would strongly suggest that you make some firm but gentle moves in that direction.

Best Wishes,

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