Hello! I am new here and after searching the web for several hours for solutions that don't match the problem, decided this is a good place to get help.

My child is starting 2nd grade. Our district does not officially ID gifted, but he was reading at a 2nd grade level at the end of Kindergarten and a 4-5 grade level at the end of 1st grade. He reads almanacs and science books for fun but seldom has the patience to complete chapter books.

Here is the problem. He is extremely slow to complete assignments. When he does them it is often with high accuracy (although he will make a careless mistake every once in a while) but it takes him 2X as long to complete written assignments as his "average" classmates regardless of whether it is on or below his level of work. If you ask him questions from an assignment (math worksheet for example), he answers them fairly quickly but he can not finish the written assignment quickly even when motivated to do so. He has a very advanced vocabulary and can write neatly when he takes his time.

It is frustrating, because each year it takes his teachers several weeks to believe that he is actually gifted rather than slow. I suspect he would bomb a timed test.

For what it is worth, he is not fidgety or disruptive but can be very emotionally sensitive.

Any ideas as to how to figure this out?