Thanks for the reply. He doesn't seem frustrated with writing, but there is a marked difference in the speed of his written work verses verbal responses. When I sit with him and try to speed things up, he gets very frustrated. He says, "my brain doesn't work that fast". He almost seems distracted but he is really thinking through the work (sometimes along with other things). I have been reading about ADD and he doesn't fit the descriptions I have found other than the slow work. If I take the piece of paper away and ask him the questions, he would answer them relatively quickly. If I put the paper in front of him and ask the questions he slows down again.

I have wondered if it is the process of transfering the information from paper to brain and back to paper????

The other place he slows down is when he reads. He will stop mid-sentence and ponder all the details of a picture in the book. It doesn't matter if what he is reading is pre-school level or a physics book. At other times, he reads right along at a fluent pace. Even other times, he skips words.