I don't want to dismiss a possible serious situation with light brush-off answer. I'm more likely to see this tiredness with my DS if he easily gets frustrated with building his lego or doesn't except a "no" from us for a tiny request. His emotions are just not well contained sometimes when he is dog tired, even at the age of eight. But crying at school may be different.

Jenjoysoup: As a mom, you are the only one who can probably read your son's reactions to the new school situation. We have all been in the same boat, but our kids may react to the situations differently. That said, just know that we are here to talk you through it. Listen to your gut instincts! It may be tiredness or it may be something else? Do he like his new teacher? Are there things that he likes about 3rd grade? Sometimes my DS won't tell me right away if something is bothering him. I have to get him talking about things that he likes about a subject before he will open up about the things that he doesn't like. (just a sneaky little psychological trick from a mom who is used to getting one word answers from the question "How was your day?")

Mom to DS12 and DD3