You don't know how good it is to here you all say things like this. It just makes me nuts and at least I'm not alone! I've done the "holding the door closed" thing but he's getting too big. I've read part of "Raising Your Spirited Child" but it was a while back. Maybe it's time to bring it out again.

My mother says "I'd bust his little butt" but how can you spank a child for hitting you and expect him not to figure out that logic? I'm searching for answers. We've tried Love & Logic (no affect - consequences seem to mean nothing to him). 1-2-3 MAGIC - nothing. I can't even remember the others. We even took everything out of his room once. I mean everything, clothes, toys, books, papers, clock. Left his bed, his "blankie", his empty bookshelf and that's about it. Didn't even faze him. About 8 weeks later, when we had company coming, I went through it all and tossed some and put the rest back. (It was all 'stored' in the guest room and on the guest bed.) He didn't even notice it was back for about 3 days.

Today was a good day, though. Only one minor skirmish over getting dressed for school. And, I get you on the "will of iron".