Originally Posted by JonA
Kai, When you accelerated your son originally, did he continue his friendships with his age-mates? What age did he skip?

My son was homeschooled from K-4, skipped 5th and entered 6th at a tiny private school (there were 5 kids in 6th grade and only one other boy), skipped 7th, and did 8th at the same private school. He kept his friends from K-4 during his time at that school, and kept the one real friend that he made at the school when he left.

We have found the social stuff to be the most tricky. My son has no problems socially, but he needs access to other people to make friends (obviously). In our semi-rural community, the public high school is the one place to reliably get that access.

For us, finding good social opportunities has been the most difficult. I can deal with the academics at home, but I can't conjure a like minded group of teens.