Thanks for the feedback everyone! Kai, When you accelerated your son originally, did he continue his friendships with his age-mates? What age did he skip? Because my son skipped at such a young age and became friends with his grade cohort, and because he is quite athletic and has "played up" with his grade peers (this is allowed in our city youth sports), his friendship group is his grade-peers, surprisingly even girls. He is extremely gifted, but we have no doubts whatsoever that it is his EQ that will carry him in life. It's remarkable, but you can drop him in a room of strangers, and by the end, he has a posse. He would hate being home schooled (we actually have a lot of experience with homeschooling, though it was all or nothing and my other children were only "out of the system" for two years). Your partial home-school concept intrigues me as he might be able to keep his friends, but I have a feeling it might not fly with the local factory high school administration. He is the kind of kid that seems to know everything about everything, but just isn't interested in putting the effort into getting to the A if it doesn't interest him. But if you were stranded on a desert island, or starting a new company, or unconscious in a hospital, he'd be the one you'd want to have by your side.