You've received great tips and advice from the forum members above. I'll just add a few thoughts...

For continuing growth and development, kids need:
1) appropriate academic challenge
2) true peers
For typical kids, these needs may be met in a general ed classroom, however for children with higher IQ/giftedness, these needs may not be met without intentional effort in providing advanced curriculum, and grouping for instruction with academic/intellectual peers. Some negatives which may occur when a child is not learning something new every day include these observations or signs that a child is not appropriately challenged.

Unfortunately, many gifted kids go through school without having their needs met for appropriate academic challenge and intellectual peers. (This current thread provides several examples.) Some gifted kids have their needs at least partially met by families whose members may also be gifted and/or high-IQ. If you are in a family which does not "get" gifted (whether its members may be gifted or not), it is possible that reading the book A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children may provide helpful insight and understanding... which may help healing wounds, moving forward, bonding with others.

There are many who seek academic challenge and true peers in their college experience, careers, and throughout adulthood.
Several posts on the Adult forum touch upon this ongoing search. You are not alone. You are on the right track. I commend your resolve. I encourage your efforts. smile

Originally Posted by Wren
some counselling to help you through it.
You may want to be cautious in choosing whom to discuss gifted isolation with.
Hoagies Gifted Education Page provides a list of Psychologists/Testers and Professionals which may be a good place to begin creating a list of people to reach out to for guidance. This SENG article by James T. Webb, posted September 14, 2011 provides some thoughts on choosing a counselor: Tips for Selecting the Right Counselor or Therapist For Your Gifted Child

Please feel free to post again, and we'll see what ideas pop into mind which may be of some help and support.