Yes, @KJP, that's exactly what he's doing. He says, "I live in my head." He is immersed in this fantasy world and acting out scenarios and thinking while he is pacing and making explosions. He doesn't mind that he's doing it alone and says he prefers it to playing most of the games that are happening. There are several gifted kids in his class who read the same books he is into and sometimes play role-playing games based on those books so he does do that on some days.

If I didn't ask about it, I doubt my son would feel self-conscious about his pacing and gestures. He is not particularly concerned with fitting in. He is remarkably comfortable in his own skin. I think I worry because he hasn't had many friends and, combined with the tics caused by TS, I worry that his recess behavior will further marginalize him or make him the subject of ridicule or mean behavior. I guess I should just calm down. If it starts to make him feel weird AND he starts to care, then he'll stop when he's ready, right?