
You have some very strong cognitive scores, especially in verbal knowledge and abstract reasoning, but your reading scores raise some significant question marks, which I would say go beyond the question of ADHD, if these are consistently where your reading performance falls. For someone with the depth of vocabulary and general knowledge that you showed on the WAIS, one would expect much stronger reading comprehension (stronger than the average score you have), and certainly much stronger reading speed (which is markedly below average on this testing).

Have reading disabilities ever been discussed with you?

One of the other striking results is the significant gap between your ability to demonstrate verbal knowledge, and your ability to demonstrate verbal reasoning, as represented by the extremely high scores in Vo and In, vs the high average score in Si. It looks like you work better with concrete language than with concrete visual-perceptual materials, but better with nonverbal abstraction than with verbal abstraction. If that's the case, then you likely think and problem-solve better visually (nonverbally) than verbally, yet retain information better verbally than visually.

That may explain why your oral vocabulary is so strong, yet you find reading and comprehending text to be laborious.

Measures of working memory and processing speed look appropriate, in the upper end of average to high average, which is often observed in individuals even with your high overall cognition.

I'd wonder what other aspects of memory and executive function look like, to generate the mixed interpretations you've received regarding ADHD. I'm curious about any measures of fluency, rapid naming, retrieval efficiency, etc. if you have them.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...