I was single-grade skipped, but by the time I got to high school, I was taking more classes with the grade above mine than with my grade.

I started taking dual credit classes as a sophomore (I was 14), and graduated after my junior year (the same week I turned 16).

My church/family teaches that you shouldn't date until you turn 16, so I never went on a single date in high school. There were some hard nights because of that (prom, etc.), but overall it was nice to be removed from the teenage relationship drama.

I went away to college the August after I turned 16, and finally found true peers for the first time in my life on "Honors Hall" of the university dorm and in my upper division math classes.

I absolutely don't regret any of the acceleration. In fact, I wish my parents had been slightly more aggressive at pushing the school to challenge me.

Obviously radical acceleration isn't the right choice for every gifted child. But for some kids it is. You know your child/ children best.